
Sunday, June 21, 2009


A relation which is so close to your heart that you really feel the warmth of it once you take the name papa, father, pitaji. Generally, this relation is not so talked about, son and father and father and daughter. Relation with mother always takes the first place when it comes to a child, but father is the person who really does not show the affection publicly but is i think more close to child. He keeps so much love inside him and he can do anything when it comes to children. Fathers always are misunderstood, and the reason behind that is that they don't believe in public show of their love. For me and may be a lot of people out their the relation with father is of love and fight relation. You fight with him, you show aggression in front of him, but down deep you love the most. He is the person who guides you, who protects you, who is always behind you when you commit mistakes, but we don't realize it. We never think about this relation, we never bother to say thanks to that person for what all he has done for us throughout his life. How he has spent days and nights working so that we have the best of the education and living. How he always kept our priorities before his priorities, but we don't tend to think about all that because we take the relation for granted. He is the person who should be thanked everyday and with every breath we take because he is so great that explaining him in words is like trying to show light to sun. In end I just want to thank all the fathers and my father for always being their whenever and wherever we required the support. On this day i would like to thank all of them and salute them from my heart.